Monday, 31 July 2017

Learning reflection

Learning Reflection

Math: in math we have been learning about measurement and place value. I have been enjoying them greatly because I am quite good at them. math is one of the subjects I love so why wouldn't I be enjoying it?

Reading: in reading we have been doing plays because of the upcoming production. I absolutely love doing plays, they're so much fun and I'm overjoyed. I love adding expression and knowing I don't just sound plain BORING.

Writing: in writing we have been doing absolutely nothing, but, we know that we're going to learn who won speeches today:)

Friday, 7 July 2017

Learning Reflection

Learning Reflection
Writing: In writing we have been writing our own mad libs but I haven’t got much to it. My mad lib is about aliens making contact to Earth. I think it will turn out good

Gymsport: At gymsport I came 5th! I was so amazed, I really like gymsport and, although I always try my best I have never got a placing before, it was so exiting and fun.

Enviro: On enviro day we only got the afternoon with room 3 because they didn’t come in the morning and I don’t know why. Anyway in room three we made pictures of ourselves climbing up to reach the stars of matariki. It was fun.