Learning Reflection
Reading: I really like where I am for reading. I’d like to try and remember to bring my book for book talk more often. I am interested in the authors Judy Blume and Michael Morpurgo.
Maths: I really enjoying the fact that we got to make up maths equations. Unfortunately because of my big equation now dylan calls me bragger, it's actually kind of funny. I felt nervous in the maths pat, i thought i’d never finish in time, but i did. I was very excited when my computer told me i’d won a bronze medal!
Writing: I really do not like writing but Mr Gemmell has made it fun and I am actually starting to enjoy writing, just a little bit, but it’s a start. I guess I made it seem like I was eating fish and chips in my food experience writing but it was actually just chips.
Spelling: My term goal for spelling is list P. sometimes I feel I cannot achieve my goal but if I don’t think I can achieve it it’s silly to set it.
Emily - Grandad and I are thrilled to hear you like reading so much, but not very surprised. Reading is just the best. Keep it up. Love from Granny