Wednesday, 3 May 2017



Room 8: In room 8 we have been learning about the musical elements. There is pitch, high and low, tempo, fast and slow and dynamics, loud and soft. We also learned that as well as genre in reading there is also genre in music.We also learnt about the difference between beat and rhythm. 

Room 9: In room 9 we have been learning about the history of pirongia and the treaty of waitangi. we went for walks around the village to the redoubt and the museum and finally the barracks. after that we made slide shows about what we had learnt on our trips around the village, here is the link for mine:King Tawhiao

Room 10: In room 10 we learnt about how to show integrity. we made up integrity games for the juniors and boy was Mrs Hobbs proud! we also made docs about our games, here is the link for mine Jump under over find


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