Orienteering: orienteering was definitely the worst activity. I didn't even get how to work the compass until after the activity was over. but the bit at the end it was actually quite fun because nobody could walk in a straight line, mind you, I couldn't walk straight either.
Mud Run: the mud run was actually quite fun but my nerves wouldn't allow me to have fun, either way I still came last. Anyway it was nice to cool down. It wasn't actually that muddy, we just ran through the lake.
Horse riding:Horse riding was definitely the best activity by far. I was on shuffles who was the best horse I have ridden on a horse trek or something like that.
Kayaking: kayaking was easy because I'd done it before, in fact, I have a kayak at home and go kayaking in the river at home. we had a race after some free time, I thought I did have a reasonably strong chance of winning but actually I came close to last, oh well, at least I had fun. After the race we did walking on water, it was heaps of fun but a bit wobbly!
Talent show!: the talent show was so much fun, I was in 2 groups. The 1st was a dance group with Isla and Gracie, and we were doing their exam dance, (they're in the level below me for dance(we go to the same dance school)) we were called blue skies. The 2nd group was a cheer leading group with Kayla, Amelia, and we were going to do it with Isabella, but she quit, so Dareeya took her place. We were called fab 4. My favourite act was the parents act, they put on masks with pictures of Mr Gemmel, Mrs Hobbs and Mrs Strathern on them, and danced.
Campfire: after the talent show we went to the campfire and roasted marshmallows on kebab sticks, Once Jody gave me 3 marshmallows but she let me get away with it. after marshmallow-roasting we sang the national anthem and our school song, pikia to tauto maunga.
Next Day😜
Rock Climbing: Rock climbing was our first rotation on day 2, You had to climb a wall and ring a bell, it was lots of fun. Amelia couldn't reach the bell so she brought the broom up with her, it was funny to watch. Group 5 was doing horse riding when we were climbing, Group 5 was the all boy group. Josh's did a poo right at the closest point to the rock climbing wall.
Scavenger hunt: the scavenger hunt was lots of fun, especially as nobody had any idea where to find a silver fern but there was one sticking in our window so I knew exactly where to find one, but no one would listen to me so I snuck off and got it while the others collected the poo that Josh's horse did while we were rock climbing.
Raft Building: raft building was really fun, our raft was really sturdy, even though it tipped over, then we realised that it needed to be the other way around. anyway it was lots and lots and lots and lots and I could go on forever but I'm not going to, of fun.
Slug Gun Shooting: slug gun shooting was really fun, you had to try and shoot these metal ducks that when you shoot bounce back and up inside a metal box that made a clang! noise when you hit it, and there was also wheat bags that made a funny noise when you hit it. there was a competition,the wheat bag was 1 point, the cans that had been set up were 2 points, the box was 3 points and the ducks were 5 points. I hit the wheat bag once, the box once and a duck once(you only get 3 turns). I tied in first place with Carter.
Burma Trail: the Burma trail was so much fun, I was in the no torches group, so we had to actually use the rope to guide us. The people at the front were always screaming so I thought that we were going to go through a river, right? wrong, the parents were just trying to scare them, for some reason I didn't get scared at all!
Next Day😃
Kerosene Creek: after we left Lakes Ranch we went for a soak in kerosene creek, a naturally hot creek, it was very nice.
My over all rating of the camp would probably be 9 out of 10 because there were injuries and 3 people went to hospital.
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